Painting the exterior of a house is a more elaborate process than you may think. It starts off with detailed surface cleaning with a pressure washer. Dirt, dust, grime and moss build-ups must be thoroughly removed. Then we roll up our sleeves, grab our industrial-grade paint scrapers and diligently remove all flaky paint chips and loose paint layers, sanding it as necessary as we go. We are never hasty with this step of the process because no matter how great the quality of your paint, inadequate surface prep can easily defeat the purpose and will leave you disappointed in the longevity of our work, and we can't afford that! At this phase, you will also observe us thoroughly applying proper epoxy fillers and putties to fill any nail holes or split gaps, etc. Once dry, we give them a light sanding again to achieve a smooth finish. Along the way, we inspect the entire exterior of your property for visible damages, such as cracks, holes or wood panel warping, etc., and we let you know what we discovered so that you can have them repaired by qualified trades people.
Only after all of these steps are completed to our satisfaction, do we begin the actual painting and to us, it's the fun part - our climactic play after meticulous prep work. Window trims and face boards are usually painted by hand, whereas bigger siding areas are spray-painted by our industrial-grade paint sprayer. We help you to select your paint color by using our intelligent app and we can match practically any color your property is currently painted in. All debris and scraping leftovers are cleaned up afterwards and our customers have even told us that they couldn't tell that we were ever there working on their property.
Have a look at some of our recent painting job photos below, or before and after comparisons, and give us a call for a free, no-obligation estimate!